Graphic Design/Illustration

Project Samples: Graphic Design

Art of Design Poster

This poster is a visual representation of the movement, shape, and flow in the design process

Client: Unidos South OC

Unidos South OC

The following is a project for Unidos South OC which is a non profit organization in San Juan Capistrano. The project included coming up with graphic elements and colors that represent the vibrant community that Unidos serves. The final 8 page annual report incorporates the colors and graphics to create a uniquely personal document for this organization. 

Front and back cover

Client: Unidos South OC

Annual Report front
and back cover

Client Interior Spread-Annual Report

Client: Unidos South OC

Annual Report inside spread

unidso spread1

Client: Unidos South OC

Annual Report inside spread

Client: St Timothy Knights of Columbus

St Timothy Knights of Columbus 

The following projects for this non profit group are an example of marketing materials every facet of event planning including logo design, poster, banner, print ads and ticket creation. 

Client: Knights of Columbus

Annual Charity Golf Event Marketing Materials

Client: Knights of Columbus

Santa Maria BBQ event Marketing Materials

Client: Knights of Columbus

St Patricks event Marketing Materials

Client: Knights of Columbus

Special concert event Marketing Materials

Magazine Ads/Mailers for Various Clients


Magazine ads for software technology company

Various Clients

Postcards, Event Mailer/invitations, Thank you Cards

Logo Design

Various clients

Project Samples: Illustration

Pen and Ink Illustration

Pen and Ink and watercolor examples

Sea creature done in gouache